Wednesday 30 March 2011

WEEK4 WED Building Profiles

      Today we learned how to use the machinery to set the levels of building,and prepare for the next step to make the building profiles.

top of machinery
full view of machinery   
survey the levels

how to set building profiles

how to set the locate corner

 Note:Set datum for relative levels before constructing profiles.Keep profiles at least 900mm clear of building.

Thursday 24 March 2011

WEEK3 THURS I have done my stool

      Today I have done my Saw Stool work and been marked by my dear Tutor Joey.I goe B- .Actually I recognized that my work was not good,it means that the tutor want give me more encourangement and hope me to achieve success!thanks my tutor,I will try my best !
     I learned many lectures and experiences after this work:
1)Dimensions must be correct;
2)You must understand construction well;
3)All angles are 1:3 what and wherever it is;
4)Tinking and reading assessment carefully before you doing:
5)Practise more and more!it's a short cut to success!
angles are not 1:3,so the legs are deflection

Friday 18 March 2011

WEEK2 FRI How many types of roof?

This morning we viewed many houses.I never noticed there were many roof contruction with various beautiful houses in our life  before today!I took some pictures and introduced for you:

Hip roof

gable roof,  valley, ridge, concrete tile

floor framing

iron tile and wether board clad

I am sorry I didn't understand what tutor Joey spoke.

I also didn't understand,I am sorry!

flat roof

old and new house jion together
 attention;window's structure

Thursday 17 March 2011


       Today we had a Toolbox Safety Meetings.I think :
1)we should be careful of chisel's blade,because it very sharp;
2)tidy up our work desk and keep cleaning,stow our tools in the tools bag.
       we countinued to make stool this day:
1)I find a easy way to operate the hand saw:just release you hand,don't grip too tight,just relax and take it easy.if you hold it hardly,the hand saw doesn't run very well;
2)I make a big mistake this afternoon.I make the two feet(bottom) of legs to slant in the wrong way, the bevel that I sawed was opposite.every thing were wonderful except this!I was so regreted!
   Even though I make a mistake,but I learned from the fault:whenever we must calm down and look the drawing careflly,more haste less speed!it's good way to make a trial before you really cut or saw it,thinking before doing!


Wednesday 16 March 2011

WEEK2 WED Machinery about saw stool

This morining I started to learn how to make a stool at machinery workshop.I knew lots of carpentry machinery,but I did not know their name so I worried about I cound not remember I hope Tutor can write down them that maybe some strange words !thanks!Pls look my picture:

 this afternoon class we studied 4540-Assessment and knew:
1)7 main stages to build a house;
2)make the Timeline;
3)Hazard identification.

Saturday 12 March 2011

My question WEEK1

Firstly I want to make sure what is 1 in 3 angle and 1 in 6 angle,look the picture
Next is my question: I cut the left side with 1 in3 angle ang measure 4.5cm length ,how about the top side's length that is cut with 1in3 angle?it is 9.0cm??? I was confused!!!Pls help me!!!

I have a question WEEK1

  Yesterday I done my first handtool exercise,these are pictures about my work,pls give me some advices!

full view
full view
full view
jionts and tenon
I still have a question,but now it was too late I want go to bed because every Saturday afternoon I play soccer,I feel some tired.....see you tomorrow...have a good night!

    Thursday 10 March 2011

    First hand tools exercise WEEK1

    Yesterday was my first class of hand tools exercise and it was my first times to use some tools that I never used before,for instance:Chisel,Foiding ruler and I have learned some new words:Mortise,Tenon,Dovetail.The handsaw was a little hard for me ,I counld not control it prercisely.I need to praticise a lot!

    Hello,my friends! WEEK1

    I am gavin,I am glad to meet you here!I am studying carpentry now in Unitec,I want to be a great builder and build my dream house,even though it will be a long way to go,but I want to try my best with your help,my friends!thanks my tutor Joey and all of my classmates!